The importance of

taking care of yourself

Taking care of yourself

Isn’t it odd how we can so clearly see when others aren’t taking care of themselves…

Though, look in a mirror, and we can’t see our own reflection clearly in front of us.

That we likely aren’t taking good care of ourselves either.

It’s always so much easier to point a finger at others, right?

But what do they say?

You’ve got three fingers pointing back at you.

I’ve spent most of this week battling a head cold, which means that this topic is fresh in my foggy mind.

In general, I do live a healthy lifestyle and have tried hard to keep to a daily routine within this.

However, when a cold strikes out of the blue it definitely throws off the entire week and productivity in this schedule.

Luckily I’ve got vitamins, naps, and exercising all in full gear which have been helping me get better much quicker.

The temptation though, when you’re sick and you’ve got your own business, is to put off doing any work in it.

To stay at home, closed in.

(Reminiscent of the Lockdowns, anyone??)

However, I think it’s important to do the opposite.

Get good sleep and take the vitamins and supplements needed to aid in your recovery—but don’t forget that exercise, sunshine, community with others is just as helpful in getting better faster.

Of course, if you’re contagious, vomiting, or have diarrhea….you should stay at home.

It’s only when you’re sick that you truly realize the importance of taking care of yourself.

So, my challenge to you is to realize it now—while you’re healthy.

What can you be adding to your schedule and routine to take care of yourself and your health?

I have an in-depth section about this in my upcoming masterclass, but here are some starters:

  • Prioritize sleep and your sleep schedule

  • Cook and eat from home 5-6 days a week

  • Limit processed foods, fast food, and your sugar intake

  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, and drugs

  • Exercise daily

Together, these small things will get you set up to have a longer and healthier life, and will directly impact the success you have in your business and business journey.


PS. I think I got sick from the gym and the filthy weights and machines…so don’t forget to wash your hands like crazy and to not touch your face at the gym.


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