Are you bringing value to your customers?

Business Basics: Part 3 of 4

This week our series on Business Basics brings us to providing value to your customers in all you do.

Your community, emails, social media posts, products and services.

If you’re wanting to create a business that not only engages your current customers but also attracts new quality customers, this will be crucial to implement.

But just how do you do this?

I go over this in detail in this week’s episode, but a short trick I share (that I’ve learned from others and am implementing in this very email) is the What, Why, and How method.

What: What are you talking about? Ex: Providing value to your customers.

Why: Why is it of value and important to your audience? Ex: To have engaged customers and to attract new ones.

How: How can they implement this in their own lives? Ex: The What, Why, How method…and by listening to this week’s episode. 😜

  • Bringing value to your customers in all you do

  • Business expenses

In regards to business expenses, one topic I bring up is in regards to paying with time vs. paying with money.

It can be a tricky choice, but I give my own insight and perspective on the matter.

So, I hope you take the time to give the episode a lesson, and that you can start implementing these basics into your upcoming or current business.

They really do make such a big difference.

Talk soon!


PS. If you haven’t listened to the beginning of the series, Part 1 and Part 2, make sure you do! It all fits together and builds on one another.


or to participate.