AMA → Ask Michael Anything

Grab your first AMA for free

When I started Fisher Philbrick, I knew I wanted to eventually head towards providing mentoring calls as a service.

I learned from my own mentor that a route to head there is to have and go through a ton of them.

Best way to do so? Offer free 1-1 calls.

It’s the whole “put in your hours” to get good at what you’re doing and learn as much as you can in the process.

(All while slowly building up your social proof and credibility in the clients and testimonials you’d be getting.)

Based on that advice, I went through and added a free 1-1 call to just about everything here at FP.

But guess what?

I still haven’t had one of these calls.

What have I had though? Recently a friend reached out asking some questions about starting a business, and I sent back a 20-30min video response using Loom.

It was a ton of fun on my end to create and share with the friend, and just as impactful and helpful for them!

In fact, you can check out Halea’s testimonial right here:

Introducing AMAs

This prompted me to switch things [for the time being] from offering free 1-1 calls, to offering a Free AMA.

My thought is that these will have a higher rate of people taking advantage of the opportunity.

After someone has gone through the free one, they’re able to book additional Single AMAs, or subscribe and save with our Monthly AMAs.

→ Both of these being extremely cost effective in comparison to what mentors charge—most starting at $100/hour, and the average being around $500/hour.

I hope you take me up on your FREE AMA to test and try it out, as well as to help me gain additional experience.

We can both help each other out in our journeys.

How awesome, right?



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